How to Print a Variable of a Private Type that Does Not Implement Display or Debug?
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How to Print a Variable of a Private Type that Does Not Implement Display or Debug?

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Ever stumbled upon a scenario where you need to print a variable of a private type that doesn’t implement the Display or Debug trait in Rust? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of private types and explore ways to print their variables, even when they don’t provide a convenient Display or Debug implementation.

Understanding Private Types and Traits in Rust

In Rust, private types are defined within modules, and their visibility is restricted to the module itself. This means that outside the module, you can’t directly access or manipulate these types. Traits, on the other hand, are interfaces that define a set of methods or behaviors that a type can implement. Two essential traits in Rust are Display and Debug, which enable printing values in a human-readable format.

Why Can’t We Simply Use Display or Debug?

The Display and Debug traits are usually implemented by types to provide a way to print their values. However, when a private type doesn’t implement these traits, you can’t simply use the println! or dbg! macros to print its value. This is because the private type is not publicly accessible, and even if it were, the lack of a Display or Debug implementation would prevent printing.

Method 1: Using the `format!` Macro with Recursive Deserialization

One approach to print a private type variable is to use the format! macro with recursive deserialization. This method involves implementing a custom formatting trait for the private type and using it to print the value.

use std::fmt;

// Define the private type
mod my_private_module {
    pub struct MyPrivateType {
        id: u32,
        name: String,

// Implement a custom formatting trait for MyPrivateType
trait MyFormat {
    fn my_format(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result;

impl MyFormat for my_private_module::MyPrivateType {
    fn my_format(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "MyPrivateType {{ id: {}, name: {} }}",,

fn main() {
    let my_private_var = my_private_module::MyPrivateType { id: 1, name: "John".to_string() };

    // Use the format! macro with recursive deserialization
    let formatted_str = format!("{:?}", &my_private_var);
    println!("{}", formatted_str);

In this example, we define a custom formatting trait MyFormat and implement it for the private type MyPrivateType. We then use the format! macro with the my_format method to print the value of the private variable.

Method 2: Using a Custom Debug Implementation

An alternative approach is to implement a custom Debug trait for the private type. This method requires modifying the private type’s module to implement the Debug trait.

use std::fmt;

// Define the private type
mod my_private_module {
    pub struct MyPrivateType {
        id: u32,
        name: String,

    impl std::fmt::Debug for MyPrivateType {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
            write!(f, "MyPrivateType {{ id: {}, name: {} }}",,

fn main() {
    let my_private_var = my_private_module::MyPrivateType { id: 1, name: "John".to_string() };

    // Use the dbg! macro with the custom Debug implementation

In this example, we implement the Debug trait for the private type MyPrivateType within its module. We then use the dbg! macro to print the value of the private variable, which will use our custom Debug implementation.

Method 3: Using a Third-Party Crate (e.g., serde)

A third approach is to use a third-party crate like serde to serialize the private type into a string. This method requires adding the serde crate as a dependency and implementing the Serialize trait for the private type.

use serde::Serialize;

// Define the private type
mod my_private_module {
    pub struct MyPrivateType {
        id: u32,
        name: String,

    impl Serialize for MyPrivateType {
        fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
            S: serde::Serializer,
            let mut state = serializer.serialize_struct("MyPrivateType", 2)?;
            state.serialize_field("id", &;
            state.serialize_field("name", &;

use serde_json;

fn main() {
    let my_private_var = my_private_module::MyPrivateType { id: 1, name: "John".to_string() };

    // Use serde to serialize the private type into a string
    let json_str = serde_json::to_string(&my_private_var).unwrap();
    println!("{}", json_str);

In this example, we implement the Serialize trait for the private type MyPrivateType using the serde crate. We then use serde’s to_string method to serialize the private variable into a JSON string, which we can print.


In this article, we explored three methods to print a variable of a private type that doesn’t implement the Display or Debug trait in Rust. We demonstrated how to use the format! macro with recursive deserialization, implement a custom Debug trait, and utilize a third-party crate like serde to serialize the private type into a string. These approaches can help you overcome the challenges of working with private types in Rust.

Using format! with Recursive Deserialization Implement a custom formatting trait and use it with the format! macro.
Using a Custom Debug Implementation Implement the Debug trait for the private type and use the dbg! macro.
Using a Third-Party Crate (e.g., serde) Implement the Serialize trait for the private type and use a crate like serde to serialize it into a string.

Remember to choose the approach that best fits your use case and requirements. Happy coding!


  1. Why can’t I simply use println! or dbg! with a private type?

    Private types are not publicly accessible, and even if they were, the lack of a Display or Debug implementation would prevent printing.

  2. Can I use these methods for any private type?

    Yes, these methods can be applied to any private type, but you may need to modify the implementation depending on the specific type and its requirements.

  3. What if I’m working with a private type from a third-party crate?

    In this case, you may need to use the crate’s provided APIs or traits to work with the private type. Consult the crate’s documentation for more information.

By now, you should have a solid understanding of how to print a variable of a private type that doesn’t implement the Display or Debug trait in Rust. With these methods, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle more complex scenarios and overcome the challenges of working with private types.

Frequently Asked Question

Printing a variable of a private type that does not implement Display or Debug can be a real challenge. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Can I use the `{:?}` format specifier to print a private type?

Nope! The `{:?}` format specifier only works if the type implements the `Debug` trait. If your private type doesn’t implement `Debug`, you’ll get a compile error.

Is there a way to implement `Display` or `Debug` for a private type?

You can implement `Display` or `Debug` for your private type manually. However, this requires you to have control over the type’s definition, which might not always be the case. If you can’t modify the type, you’ll need to use a different approach.

Can I use the `std::fmt::Debug` implementation for a private type?

Yes, you can use the `std::fmt::Debug` implementation, but only if the private type’s definition is visible in your current scope. If the type is defined in a separate module or crate, you won’t be able to access its internal implementation details.

How can I print a private type using a custom implementation?

You can create a custom implementation of the `Display` or `Debug` trait for your private type. This will allow you to define how the type should be printed. Just be sure to follow the trait’s requirements and provide a meaningful implementation.

What if I don’t control the private type’s definition and can’t implement `Display` or `Debug`?

In this case, you’re out of luck. Without control over the type’s definition or access to its internal implementation details, you won’t be able to print the variable directly. You might need to find an alternative solution, such as using a different type or working around the limitation.

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